Taitonga - Helpful Files - onshore - offshore

Infos hard to find and our judgement

Infos, die nicht so einfach zu finden sind bzw. unsere persönliche Einschätzung

The most helpful source too find most things and how to come around in Panama-City (in our opinion) - much more than only somthing like yellow pages and a very good supplement to noonsite.org.

The original file (and maybe the most recent one!) is posted in the filesection of the southbound group on yahoo.com - where you have to register first for accessing this file ... (that's why you find a copy aswell here for easy download)

Anyway it is a good idea to get the infos of this group if you stay in the area "Mexiko and South to Equador - Latin-America", aswell from the puddlejumpgroup, if you intend to cross the pacific, and get new posts as an email.

Panama City Cruiser Guide (1,2MB)

Travel-Arriving-Times Calculation
Spreadsheet for Calculation of Travel-Arriving-Times (xls) (20kb)

Taitonga.net, © Dagmar und Christian Sahr,