Es sieht hier aus wie bei einem Ausläufer des Paradieses

Not much to do here, but it is far from boring => GREAT

  • Sonne, Wolken, Regen, Gewitter
  • Kunas, Inseln, Palmen, Strand, Riffe, nettes Zusammensein
  • Für die Länge unseres Aufenthaltes folgt ein relativ kurzer Text, was auch schon ein Indikator für die Qualität unseres Aufenthaltes hier ist

  • Größere Kartenansicht

    Panama – Kuna Yala (San Blas)

    Mittwoch, 29.05.2013, 22:30 – "Sonne, Inseln, Palmen, Strand und Riffe" - (Christian)
    Sehr schön hier!!!
    Essen, denken, bißerl arbeiten, schnorcheln und den Kunas beim vorbeipaddeln zusehen.

    Dienstag, 04.06.2013, 12:00 – "Inseln, Palmen, Riffe und Gewitter" - (Christian)
    Sehr schön hier!!!
    In der Zwischenzeit ist nicht viel passiert: Essen, denken, bißerl arbeiten, schnorcheln und den Kunas beim vorbeipaddeln zusehen, mit anderen Booten sozialisieren, den Wolken beim Hochtürmen zuschauen und hoffen nicht von einem Blitz getroffen zu werden ...


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    Dienstag, 04.06.2013, 22:30 – "Bald geht’s weiter" - (Christian)
    Robert hat uns zu seinem runden Geburtstag auf die Nuwam2 eingeladen.
    Wir haben noch ca. 20 Liter Wasser im Tank und wollen so schnell wie möglich in die Marina zum Tanken, dann zum Einklarieren nach Portobelo und dann zur ShelterBay-Marina, um unsere Pakete endlich abzuholen.

    Wir werden noch 2 Tage in den San Blas bleiben und dann Donnerstag aufbrechen, so dass wir Freitag und das Wochenende in Turtle-Cay-Marina haben, Sonntag Panamarina und ggf. Linton besichtigen, um Sonntagabend in Portobelo sein können. Montag wollen wir einklarieren (ohne Overtime zu zahlen) und dann abends in Colon sein . Und dann sehen wir weiter …
    [21.06 Schön immer wieder diese Pläne mit der späteren Wirklichkeit zu vergleichen (immer noch ohne Cruising Permit ...]

    Mittwoch, 05.06.2013, 21:00 – "Yansaladup" - (Christian)
    Heute mittag sind wir bei guter Sicht auf die Riffe nach Yansaladup gefahren. Nur ein Boot "Wooden Shoe", eines der ganz wenigen Holzboote auf Langfahrt, lag dort schon.
    Das Wasser ist sehr klar, hatte keine Welle, lag wie Öl da, mit Sicht bis zum Grund (10m), kein Wind und dafür drückende Hitze, die sich wie eine Betonwand auf einen legt ...

    Wir hatten zum Sundowner eingeladen und kurze Zeit später kam ein Boot angeprescht: "Nationalwaters", der einmal die Woche Früchte, Gemüse und Huhn anbietet => sehr hilfreicher Service.

    Zur Zeit ist mal wieder Gewitterzeit: Wetterleuchten, gegen das eine Lichtshow in einer Disko ein Scheißendreck ist! Ich hasse es!!!!!!!


    Kuna Yala at a glance

    Country and People
    Kuna Yala


    in US-Dollars (1,38 USD = 1 Euro))
  • Fish: Uriel a portion (tastes ok, a bit like trout, but there are better choices) => 1 US
  • Fish: Safira (Spanish Makarel) 3 portions (nice taste) => 3,00 US
  • Lobster => 5 (20 for a Giant) (In my opinion they sell lots of underaged Lobsters!)
  • Mangos (a bag of 7) => 3US)
  • 6 Oranges => 1 US
  • Banana (small like a finger but the best ever) ca. 40 pc. => 1 US
  • Salad 1 lb => 1,50
  • Tomatos 1 lb => 2,50
  • Cucumber pc => 1US
  • Bottled Water 5L => 5,00 Kuna Yala
  • Diesel => Chichime or via Shoppingboat or in Nargana

  • ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    Anchoring / Nautic Stuff and Infrastructure

    Kuna Yala, San Blas, Panama

    Anchorage „Coco Banderos“
    Apio (Serapio Deleva from Rio Azucar, 60424262) came by and took notes on our order for tomorrow. It looked like a nice service, and we paid in advance, but he came only with some goods the day after tomorrow and wanted to sell an expired SIM-Card. I got my money back after an unpleasent conversation.
    We had to pay 10 US for anchoring, valid 1 month for (hopefully) all the Islands up to Holandes / Chichime.

    Anchorage „Green Island“
    Cunas come by and sell Lobster or Mangos (a bag for 3US from Umberto).

    Anchorage „Chichime“
    We stayed near the entrance in 10m, because we were boat No. 17. It is a place where the Backpacker-Transporters-Panama-Cartagena are gathering so it is a bit „touristy“.
    Nicer, shallower and calmer, but crowded when you go further in more.
    Much plastic rubbish floating in the water and ashore behind the 3m-strip-sandbeach which is "cleaned" by the Cunas.
    On the westisland they sell Kunabread (5 for 1US) and Molas (8 to 20 US).
    On the eastsland they sell Molas and do have a bar and volleyballnet.
    Cunas come by and sell Fish and Lobster (5 up to 20US).

    Anchorage „East Lemmon Cays“
    We stayed near the outsidereef in 10m. Calm and nice, only one other boat while we entered.
    Cunas come by and sell Fish (3US for a Safira (Spanish Makarel) god for 3 persons and Lobster (ca. 5US).
    The Fruit- and Veggieboat "Nationalwater" with a very good selection (even whole chicken) gave us a visit. They come here once a week on tuesdays (fair prices). Another Fruit- and Veggieboat showed up thursday with a very good selection aswell.
    Cleaning Service hull, deck etc. was offered by Atilianoea (Atilano), 67089815, 66924738, 60448356. (20US a day (8am to 4pm))
    Molas 20-100US were offered from the Mastermolamakers Lisa and Vinzenzio.

    Nautic-Guide - Bauhauscharts Panama
    We bought the book and are very happy with it! It is expensive but extremly helpful. We found a lot of details which our Navionic-Charts lacks like a reef 1m below water near Turtle Cay Marina towards Puerto Linton!
    Better you buy this guide before arriving in the San Blas, because it will be pure luck if you get it here! The Panama Cruising Guide
    You might get from someone unoffically scanned charts of this book for e.g. OpenCPN. We never heard that these electronic-charts can be bought somewhere offically. We heard: The usage of scanned Bauhauscharts for Panama is possible with OpenCPN 3.0.0, but not with 3.0.2. an up, where they are not recognized, because of the parameter PR=unknown in the kap-files, which was formerly automatically accepted (


    The weather changes a lot and quickly!:
  • We saw half an hour before sunset a huge about 8 km high piled cloudmonster with already lightening inside => I never believed that this cloudsystem would vanish, but it was gone shortly after sunset!

  • A cloudsystem with much rain in it was on our starbordside while traveling the coast. The wind came constantly from the portside. The system slowly moved against the winddirection to our portside; from the seaside to the mainland.

  • The forecasting the weather in the range of the Innertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is obvious not easy (as you can see comparing ols and new forecasts)! No wind can very easy pick up to 45+ knots, when a squall passes by!
    I am not able to see, if a squall brings much wind or only rain.
    Rainy season: Everything between:
    Absolutely nice: light winds, no swell (depending on the anchorage), sunny, hot, good visibility.
    Absolutely shit: Squalls up to 50knots, rain, grey overcast skys (bad for solarpanells) and extrem ugly thunderstorms with scary lightning and eardamaging thunder (louder than thunder somewhereelse).
    Generally are the winds light and not constant. There is a land-sea-system.


    Kuna Yala, San Blas
    I felt 8 out of 10 secure!
    We got your dinghy up at night, but did not chained it
    We locked everything "normal" while not onboard.


    Telephone / Internet with Digicel Panama
    It should be possible to get an internetconnection in San Blas, because they have Cellphonecoverage (when the Phonemasts are working). SIM-scratchcards in the San Blas may be purchased in Rio Diavolo, Carti and Whichiwalla (Maybe a sim aswell).

    Recharging: * 121 * code from the scratchcard # send
    Saldocheck: * 120 # send

    It is possible to go into the net with a normal tarif, but expensive 0,01US per KB.
    To keep the cost down you can get abos through these codes (Digicell):
    1 day, 0,99 US * 142 * 40 # send
    2 days, 1,50 US * 142 * 50 # send
    10 days, 4,95 US * 142 * 60 # send
    15 days, 8,95 US * 142 * 80 # send
    30 days, max. 3GB, 14,95 US * 142 * 100 # send
    These codes worked with me, but one boat said, you should iniciate * 142 # first (I never did)

    Follow the instructions which are they send to you to confirm (sometimes it takes ca. 5 min to recieve an answer):
    Confirmation: * 142 * 1 # send
    Cancel: * 142 * 9 # send

    The plans could be available for selection via: * 111 #
    To check your own telefonnumber: * 129 #
    To check and setup your own mailbox: *123 (it is all spanish and I gave up on this!)

    It can be extremly useful to have 1 SIM/Chip for telephoning and 1 for Internet (top up only the abo-amount) to controll the costs easier, because if the abo runs out you will be charged 0,01 US per 1kb!, without notice and the saldo on our telefon simply disappears.
    We had sometimes troubles to topup, during the process some dollars disappeared and we still do not know why.
    We now refuse some promotions e.g. free data, because afterwards some saldo was missing too.
    It is much easier than in the US to get a simcard and topup the saldo, but there are some weird things going on.

    I found this Link, where you can see the codes and the datavolume aswell (2014-04-23): (After running out of the volume I was not able to get a new plan and it was blocked until the "booked" duration => I got a new SIM-Card/Chip ...)

    Settings for Dialup with an smartphone come automatically, so you can use it as a hotspot.

    Settings for Dialup with an internet-stick (unlocked Huawei):
    * 99 #
    User: blank
    PW: blank

    My normal Phone Samsung E-200 got an configurationsinfo from Digicel automatically after I inserted the SIM-Card (in our Samsung-Galaxy/Android I had to type in the infos manually):
    Profilname: Digicel
    Login-ID: webuser Password: ****** (do not know now with what to replace the 6* => left it blank => worked)
    I bought a One-Day-Abo for internet and the purchase worked; then I inserted the SIM in my Huawei-Internetstick, I then typed the profiledata in the Profilmanagement (without an password) and it worked.

    The saldo from the new SIM was 0,- after 4 Telefoncalls and the One-Day-Abo => We were told it contains 8 US when purchased, I do not think so and saw a sign with 2 US …

    Uploading the saldo with a scratch card is easy and you get some calls and maybe days of data for free => but you have to check the codes to be inserted for that carefully … (I made bad expieriences with the bonus and just do plain vanilla now).

    SIM-Card => 4 US
    Scratchcards for uploading => 3-5-10-20 US

  , © Dagmar und Christian Sahr